Pike Yoga


At Pike Yoga, we believe that EVERYONE needs yoga. Yoga is the one practice that complements all other exercise programs. Whether practiced daily or once a week, yoga will produce considerable benefits.

Our philosophy, "Attitude. Matitude. Gratitude." comes from our practice of yoga. 

Most of us come to class with some form of an attitude, and not necessarily in the negative sense. Our attitudes can arise from frustration, guilt, anger, fatigue, loneliness, excitement, urgency, contentment, or any number of other feelings. So then, we come to the mat and practice; we begin to work through these outside distractions. 

Yes, it's a made up word. Matitude is simply being present--there on the mat--with the breath, the mind, and the body. Matitude is dynamic--always changing, always evolving. It is the practice of being who it is that you are supposed to be. 

The final component is gratitude. This is where the intention of your practice is absorbed. It is finding light in darkness, quietness in chaos--simply being thankful.

Upcoming Enrollments/Workshops

" Releasing the Superficial Back Line"

Do you have low back pain, tight hamstrings, neck/upper back issues, plantar fasciitis, headaches or overall tightness? Come explore this powerful tool to release chronic tension, align and create space so you can feel ease and freedom throughout your body.

Saturday- January 27th 4:00-6:00pm, $60
8 space available
Occipivots will be for sale, $58 + tax

Give yourself the ultimate gift of Self-Love with a relaxing afternoon of Restorative Yoga and Reiki.

With Kathleen Hall and Kelley Seitz

Saturday, Feb. 17th, 3-5pm, $75

Release yourself into quiet, supported postures on bolsters, blocks, and blankets during Restorative Yoga. This style of yoga helps to soothe your nervous system, calms your mind and fills you with loving kindness.

While in the Restorative Yoga postures, we will provide Reiki, the gentle, hands-on Japanese-healing technique which promotes balancing the heart centered energy for inner harmony.

Space Limited: 10 students

Fee: $70

Questions, please call Kathleen at 901-573-9775 or Kelley at 513-646-7168

Note: 48-hour cancellation required for refund.

Restorative Sundays at 4:00p

Restorative Yoga is the use of props to support the body in positions of ease to facilitate deep relaxation. Poses held for 10-20 minutes give the body time to release patterns of tension & gripping leaving one feeling a deep sense calm.

© 2018 Pike Yoga  |  site design by Cotton Row Creative